Shark Marine presents “Underwater Technologies for Scientific Investigation”

The CAUS- Canadian Association for Underwater Science, kindly invited Shark Marine Technologies to attend and present to the association in a two day meeting held at the Ripley’s Aquarium in Toronto, Ontario Canada.  The event was filled with presentations and conversations relating to all aspects of the underwater scientific exploration from safety perspectives, coral reef rehabilitation to equipment used throughout the industry.  Shark Marine familiarised the organization with the company and the products currently being used world-wide by governments, private and educational facilities to conduct scientific studies.

Shark Marine has been supplying the scientific community with Camera systems, Sonars, ROV’s and Diver Hand Held Sonar and Navigation units “The Navigator” for the last 31 years.  Shark Marine continues to develop and produce new products to help customers effectively and efficiently achieve the desired results of their operations and studies.

Shark Marine extends a very grateful Thank You to CAUS in appreciation of the opportunity to present to the group and attend the event and to Ripley’s Aquarium for hosting the event at their new Toronto Location.


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